Antoine (Tony Brassard) DFC and his crew

Updated with this colourised version done by Denis Thievin.

From the daughter of Antoine (Tony) Brassard DFC

From left to right (as described by my father in a letter sent to my mother)

Jean (Jonny) Bourque de Montréal, navigator. « Serious, thoughtful, calm and reasonable young man ».

R. Fuller of England, engineer. « Exceptionally my engineer was English, there was a shortage of French-Canadian engineers ».

Gérard (Jerry) Lalonde of Valleyfield, mid-upper gunner. « Very spiritual. He’s the one who makes us laugh ».

Georges (Blondy) Alarie de St-Jérome, Terrebonne, rear gunner. « Very young and very sensitive » ».

Antoine (Tony) Brassard of Strickland, Ontario, pilot and crew captain.

Philippe (Berny) Bernatchez from Baie-Comeau, bomb aimer. « He’s a very smart guy. He likes to tease a lot but gets caught up at his own game ».

Aimé Thievin from Saskatchewan, wireless. « He’s our handyman, he’s very handy. He works for five minutes on your bike and the next five minutes on your watch ».

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