Les grands oubliés du 425 Alouette – Hommage à Joseph Edmond Yvon Bouchard… La suite

J’écris parfois les souvenirs de guerre de ceux qui ne sont pas revenus pour en parler. En 2018, le rear gunner (mitrailleur arrière) Yvon Bouchard n’était qu’un nom sur le site Bomber Group 6 de Richard Koval.


March 24/25, 1944

23 Lancasters from 408 and 426 Squadrons were joined by 90 Halifaxes from 420, 424, 425, 427, 429, 432, and 433 Squadrons on an attack at Berlin. The crews were over the target at between 19,000 and 24,000 feet, releasing 48,000 lbs of high explosives and 409,000 lbs of incendiaries. According to reports, there were severely high winds and the attack was scattered. This was another terrible night as 72 crews failed to return due to being blown off course and over heavy flak defenses.


24/25 mars 1944

23 Lancasters des 408e et 426e escadrons sont rejoints par 90 Halifax des 420e, 424e, 425e, 427e, 429e, 432e et 433e escadrons lors d’une attaque sur Berlin. Les équipages ont survolé la cible à une altitude comprise entre 19 000 et 24 000 pieds, libérant 48 000 livres d’explosifs brisants et 409 000 livres d’incendiaires. Selon les rapports, les vents étaient très violents et l’attaque a été dispersée. Ce fut une autre nuit terrible, 72 équipages n’ayant pas réussi à revenir parce qu’ils avaient été déviés de leur trajectoire et qu’ils avaient survolé de lourdes défenses anti-aériennes.

408 Squadron

W/O2 W. Kasper from 408 Squadron jettisoned the load and returned early after being hit many times by flak.

F/Sgt J. McCaffrey had the mid upper turret u/s on return.

S/Ldr W. Russell and F/Sgt W. Cooke landed at Coltishall on return due to fuel shortages.

S/Ldr H. Miles completed his second tour with this operation, 32 operations on the first tour,19 ½ on the second.

420 Squadron

W/O2 R. Leonard from 420 Squadron returned early as the undercarriage was u/s.

F/Lt R. Deegan and W/O2 J. Boadway landed at Coltishall on return.

F/O H. Rice RCAF–POW and crew, flying Halifax III LW-373 coded PT-W, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt F. Bushell RAF–POW
F/Sgt C. Fraser RCAF–POW
W/O1 G. Renwick RCAF–POW
2Lt J. Thomson USAAF–POW
Sgt J. Boire RCAF–POW
All were POWs.

424 Squadron

P/O R. Basson from 424 Squadron returned early as the oxygen system was u/s.

F/O J. Doig was attacked by an enemy aircraft, the stbd flap and wing were damaged. They landed at Chedburgh on return due to a fuel shortage.

F/Sgt H. Kirkby landed at West Raynham on return.

F/Sgt B. Vanier landed at Docking on return.

F/O T. Millman landed at Tuddenham on return.

F/O W. Krampe RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III LW-435 coded QB-R, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt J. MacKintosh RAF–POW
F/O A. Fleming RCAF–POW
P/O W. Tillmann RCAF
Sgt L. Jewell RCAF–POW
Sgt E. Evans RCAF–POW
Sgt R. Wilson RCAF–POW
5 crew were POWs and 2 killed.

425 Squadron

Sgt V. Lacaille and F/Sgt V. Irvine from 425 Squadron returned to base as their port outers were u/s. They both landed safely at base on 3 engines.

F/O J. Taylor returned early as the rear turret was u/s.

P/O L. Renaud RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III LW-425 coded KW-V, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt J. Nutman RAF
F/O J. Brazeau RCAF
P/O M. Boyer RCAF
P/O R. Hanks RCAF
P/O C. Turner RCAF
P/O J. Huot RCAF
All were killed after being shot down by a Nightfighter.

P/O N. Jones RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III LW-428 coded KW-C, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt G. Mabbott RAF
P/O M. Latornell RCAF
P/O M. McLeod RCAF
P/O J. Laviolette RCAF
P/O J. Bouchard RCAF
P/O J. Tracey RCAF
All were killed.

426 Squadron

F/Lt I. McRobie from 426 Squadron returned early as the port outer was u/s. They landed safely at base on 3 engines.

F/Sgt N. Craig returned early as the oxygen system was u/s.

W/O2 D. Robertson landed at Woodbridge on return due to a fuel shortage.

F/Sgt J. Jean was hit by flak, the rear turret was damaged and Sgt J. Favreau RCAF, the rear gunner was injured. They landed at Coltishall for fuel and medical attention.

427 Squadron

F/O W. Weicker from 427 Squadron landed at Foulsham on return due to a fuel shortage.

W/O1 W. Magdalinski RCAF–POW and crew, flying Halifax III LK-752 coded ZL-V, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt P. Guilder RAF–POW
P/O J. Roberts RCAF
P/O L. Glasser RCAF
P/O C. Fugère RCAF
P/O J. Papineau RCAF
3 crew were POWs and 4 were killed.

W/O2 A. Yaworski RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III LW-574 coded ZL-J, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt T. Rigby RAF
W/O2 A. Young RCAF
F/Sgt J. Hamel RCAF–POW
W/O1 H. Armstrong RCAF–POW
F/Sgt J. Jette RCAF
F/Sgt R. McBeath RCAF
5 crew were killed and 2 POWs after being shot down by flak.

P/O S. Dowdell RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III LW-577 coded ZL-K, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt J. Nesom RAF–POW
F/O G. MacKay RCAF
F/O O. Jackson RCAF
Sgt H. Webb RAF
P/O E. Halbert RCAF
Sgt L. Lozo RCAF–POW
5 crew were killed and 2 were POWs after being shot down by flak.

429 Squadron

W/O2 E. Baker from 429 Squadron returned early with a technical problem.

F/Sgt N. Thompson was hit by flak, not serious. They were also attacked 3 times by enemy aircraft, there was no claims or damage. During these attacks, the wireless operator bailed out over Berlin.

F/O A. Macdonald was attacked by a JU-88, it was claimed damaged.

P/O T. Rawlinson was coned by 30-40 searchlights for 5 minutes. They were able to get away.

P/O S. Wick RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III LK-805 coded AL-H, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt H. Hull RAF
W/O2 R. Clendenning RCAF–POW
F/O J. Warkentin RCAF
W/O S. Boustead RAF–POW
Sgt R. Kift RCAF–POW
P/O L. Keely RCAF
4 crew were killed and 3 POWs.

P/O E. Giles RAAF and crew flying Halifax III LW-688 coded AL-J failed to return from this operation.

Sgt R. Byrne RAF
F/Sgt H. Nicholls RAF–POW
F/O C. Rousseau RAF
F/Sgt W. Peckham RAF
P/O W. Hampton RCAF
F/Sgt A. Larochelle RCAF–POW
5 crew were killed and 2 POWs.
F/O R. Conroy RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III LV-914 coded AL-V, failed to return from this operation.

F/Lt G. McIntyre RCAF–POW
S/Ldr J. Bell RCAF–POW
F/Lt A. Smith RCAF–POW
Sgt L. Spencer RCAF–POW
Sgt G. Wilton RCAF–POW
The pilot was killed and 6 crew were POWs.

432 Squadron

F/Sgt J. McElheran from 432 Squadron returned early as the compasses were u/s.

P/O J. McIntosh RCAF–POW and crew, flying Halifax III LW-593 coded QO-O, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt W. King RAF
P/O C. Schell RCAF–POW
P/O L. Bandle RCAF
P/O A. De Dauw RCAF
3 crew were killed and 4 POWs after being shot down over Berlin.

433 Squadron

P/O J. Smith from 433 Squadron returned early as they could not climb.

F/Sgt J. Monahan returned early as some instruments were u/s.

F/Lt G. Edmonds returned early as the stbd inner was u/s. They landed safely at base on 3 engines.

P/O J. Major landed at Snetterton Heath on return.

F/O W. Canter landed at Woodbridge on return.

F/Sgt F. Edmondson had the port inner go u/s after bombing, they jettisoned the I.B containers to maintain height. They landed at Woodbridge on return due to a fuel shortage.

F/O E. Van Slyck was hit by flak, both wings and the port outer and fuselage were damaged. Sgt A. Phillips RAF, the navigator, was injured and F/Sgt R. Pontentier RCAF, the rear gunner bailed out over enemy territory. They landed safely at West Malling.

P/O W. Russell RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III HX-284 coded BM-B, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt P. McLuskie RAF–POW
F/O M. Topplin RCAF–POW
Sgt W. Walmsley RCAF
P/O D. Howell RCAF
Sgt R. Cossar RCAF–POW
3 crew were killed and 4 POWs.

P/O H. Lossing RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III LV-841 coded BM-H, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt O. Sporne RAF
F/O D. Robinson RCAF
F/Sgt G. Dancey RCAF
F/Sgt L. Davey RCAF
Sgt E. Osborne RAF
Sgt F. Simons RAF
All were killed after being shot down by flak.

J’avais trouvé à l’époque ce renseignement sur le Mémorial virtuel de guerre canadien, mais rien de plus…


Bouchard Joseph Edmond Yvon

Air Gunner
N.H. Jones
KIA 25-03-1944
Son of Joseph Alfred and Marie Aimée Bouchard.
Operation Berlin, Halifax LW428 KW-C

Par contre, je connaissais bien le pilote du Handley-Page Halifax KW-C.

Norval Jones

Le pilote N.H. Jones

En 2018, je m’étais « amusé » à colorier cette photo.

Casey Jones Tracey and Collins

Le pilote N.H. Jones est au centre de la photo colorisée.

J’avais fait de même avec la photo d’Yvon Bouchard.

Je me disais bien qu’un jour quelqu’un m’écrirait…

Mais je ne m’attendais pas recevoir un message sur Messenger le 8 mars dernier…

Je vais t’envoyer de l’info sur un soldat. Celui-ci ressemble au fils de la cousine de mon mari et porte le nom de mon mari.

Assez touchant!!

Sosie de Phil … plus jeune frère de grand-mère Bouchard, mort à la guerre à 21 ans, il était tail gunner sur un avion Halifax.

Son nom Joseph Edmond Yvon.

Ce qui a ravivé encore plus mon intérêt pour ce jeune aviateur avait été cette lettre du Père Laplante aussi partagée sur Messenger. Le Père Maurice Laplante devait sûrement s’adresser à la mère d’Yvon Bouchard.

Le dernier envol d’une alouette

Priez pour le jeune aviateur exilé, qui loin de sa patrie, expira sans entendre une voix qui console; sans un serrement de main ami, sans un pleur, sans une fleur sur le tertre qui le couvre… Isolé dans la vie, il le fut aussi dans la mort! Le sacrifice qui l’avait conduit au service militaire dès la sortie du collège, l’avait tenu jour par jour, heure par heure, fidèle à la discipline jusqu’à l’obéissance de la mort. Levé sur un ordre, il marche, parle, mange, dort, et meurt! quel héroïsme!…

Qui viendra sur cette tombe étrangère, donner l’aumône d’une prière, d’une larme, d’une fleur? Qui pense à ce héros de vingt ans qui sous la terre étrangère dort, sacrifié, méconnu, mutilé…. Qui? Qui? Sinon sa mère, sa sœur, sa femme ou sa fiancée? O Femmes héroïques, séchez vos larmes! Le 25 mars 1944 fête de la Vierge-Mère, celui que vous pleurez a reçu l’absolution générale de son Aumônier; digne apôtre; vrai père des gars de son escadrille, le Padre Laplante O.M.I. avant de recevoir le baptême de feu qui lui ouvrit sûrement les portes du ciel où, cette bonne Mère de l’Annonciation l’attendait les bras ouverts!

Il y a 80 ans, jour pour jour, Yvon Bouchard mourait dans sa tourelle dans la nuit du 25 mars 1944.

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